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Young And Restless Rewind: Adam's Love Life

Ever since Adam moved to Genoa City in 2008, he has been involved in some pretty complicated and dysfunctional relationships. Relive his time with the women — oh, and one man — this Newman black sheep kissed, dated, bedded, married and broke up with.

Heather Stevens

vail bloom, chris engen, the young and the restless

Paul Skipper/

In 2008, Newman Enterprises was headed into a courtroom battle with Jabot over patent infringement when Adam (then-Chris Engen) first met Heather (Vail Bloom) at the GCAC gym. There was an instant spark that ignited into passion and they had sex later that same day. Color the lovers shocked when they walked into the hearing the following day to discover Adam was part of Team Newman and Heather, a lawyer, was representing Jabot.

However, the couple was too smitten to give up their romantic involvement and continued to meet for secret romps (what’s a little conflict of interest among friends?). They eventually went public with their relationship. Victor didn’t approve of his son’s girlfriend but it was Adam’s lies, his penchant for breaking laws, and oh, him being caught in a lip-lock with another man, that tore them apart.

Skye Lockhart

michael muhney, laura stone, the young and the restless

sean smith/

In 2008, card shark Skye Lockhart (Laura Stone) was enlisted by Brad Carlton to come to Genoa City not only to help reignite David Chow’s gambling addiction but also put him in great debt. Skye ran into Adam (then-Michael Muhney), who was her sometime boyfriend while they attended Harvard. Skye did such a thorough job of fleecing David that he wanted retribution. Weeks later, Skye suddenly disappeared and the worst was confirmed when a chopped-up body was found buried on the grounds of the Newman ranch, and DNA testing proved they were Skye’s remains.

When Adam staged his own death in 2010, he popped up in Brazil — with a very much alive Skye. It turned out that Adam had helped fake her demise two years before and now they were busy winning money in high-stakes poker games — that is, until Victor dragged Adam back to Genoa City. Skye returned as well and informed Adam she would hire the best judges to defend him if he married her. He did, but his new wife couldn’t tolerate his inability to let go of Sharon, so Skye once again pretended she was dead and Adam got accused of her “murder.” To clear Adam, Sharon tracked down Skye in Hawaii. While the women were arguing, Skye slipped and fell into a volcano — only this time, she was permanently dead.

Rafe Torres

michael muhney, yani gellman, the young and the restless

Sean Smith/

In 2009, Rafe (Yani Gellman), a young gay lawyer, was closing in on Adam as the one who framed Rafe’s Aunt Estella for gaslighting Ashley, so to throw the legal eagle off the trail, Adam pretended to be sexually attracted to Rafe, going as far as to bestow a hot kiss upon him.

Later, when they shared another smooch, Nikki walked in on them. She reported what she witnessed to Victor, who reacted with surprising acceptance and assured his son he was okay with him being gay.

When Rafe realized Adam was sleeping with Heather and that he was being used, he denounced Adam.

Sharon Newman

sharon case, michael muhney, the young and the restless

sean smith/

Adam and Sharon (Sharon Case) fell in love in 2009, but he had lied that her baby had died (when really he had handed off the newborn to Ashley) and knew that transgression would be a romance-killer, so he kept it to himself.

The couple tied the knot at the tail end of 2009 but the marriage was annulled months later when Adam’s baby caper was exposed. Shockingly, Sharon couldn’t get Adam out of her system and they eventually reunited.

A series of make-ups and break-ups ensued until Adam was presumed killed in an explosion in 2016. He turned up very much alive three years later, and aside from one last hurrah with Sharon, they have remained quasi-friends, but not lovers.

Chelsea Lawson

melissa claire egan, michael muhney, the young and the restless

sean smith/

In 2012, Adam commiserated with former con artist Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) over their status as the ruling pariahs of Genoa City. A friendship blossomed over their shared determination to become better people, which progressed to love, and she eventually accepted his marriage proposal.

The couple exchanged vows and she got pregnant but miscarried. His closeness to Sharon and work at Newman caused strife in the marriage so Chelsea walked out on him.

When she found out she was pregnant again, she fibbed that her baby was fathered by Dylan. Adam and Chelsea divorced and she wed Dylan, but that union went bust when Dylan learned he wasn’t the bio daddy of her new son, Connor. Adam and Chelsea reunited but he was hiding that he was the unknown hit-and-run driver who killed young Delia in 2013.

When Billy found out Adam was responsible for his daughter’s death, they fought and Adam was presumed killed in a fiery car crash in 2014. Chelsea was devastated.

Melanie Daniels

michael muhney, erin chambers, the young and the restless

Howard Wise/

In 2013, during one of the intervals Adam and Chelsea were broken up, he started dating Melanie Daniels (Erin Chambers), a legal assistant at Newman Enterprises and they became lovers. However, he found out that she had been reporting all of his activities to Victor, so he kicked her to the curb.

Victor was so peeved that Melanie’s cover was blown that he fired her. When Melanie approached Adam for help in getting another job, he wanted nothing to do with her. Adam then learned that Melanie planned to sue Adam for sexual harassment, so he issued a veiled threat. Undeterred, Melanie officially accused Adam of rape and he was arrested.

When it looked like the odds were stacked against him to prove his innocence, Chelsea had a heart-to-heart with Melanie and convinced her to drop the charges.

Sage Warner

kelly sullivans, justin hartley, the young and the restless

sean smith/

Following that fiery wreck in 2014, a critically burned Adam’s face was transformed by a plastic surgeon to look like that of the late Gabriel Bingham, the grandson of wealthy Constance Bingham. With the help of Gabriel’s wife, Sage Warner (Kelly Sullivan), Adam assumed Gabriel’s identity. As Gabriel, Adam got close to Chelsea again and they had sex, causing Billy to stand her up at the altar in 2015. “Gabriel” and Sage divorced but they hit the sheets one drunken night. Eventually, “Gabriel” confessed to Chelsea that he was really Adam, and she agreed to conceal his secret.  They tied the knot, while Sage married Nick and gave birth to Adam’s son, Christian. When Adam’s true identity was exposed, he was arrested for Delia’s death, then sentenced to 10 years in prison. His sentence was commuted. Sage was killed in a car accident, and in 2016, Adam went back to prison after Victor framed him for Constance’s death. Victor helped Adam bust out of jail, but before Adam could go on the run with Chelsea and Connor as he had planned, Delia’s still-grieving mother, Chloe, blew up the cabin Adam was hiding out in, and he was once again presumed dead. grief over Delia’s death, knocked Adam out and blew up the cabin. Once again he was presumed dead.

Sally Spectra

mark grossman, courtney hope, the young and the restless

Howard Wise/

In 2019, Adam (Mark Grossman) resurfaced in Las Vegas with amnesia. When he recovered his memory, he and Chelsea got back together, but during her long recovery from a stroke, Chelsea was convinced that Adam and Sharon were having an affair and secretly poisoned Sharon’s hubby, Rey, who almost died. Chelsea was sent to a mental institution for rehabilitation.

In 2021, Adam started dating Sally (Courtney Hope), but he called it off when she became an employee at Newman Media, which he was running. Sally jumped into a relationship with Nick and when she turned up pregnant, either brother could’ve been the sire. A prenatal test determined Adam was about to be a dad again, but in June 2023, Sally passed out during labor, and Adam had to choose to save her life or that of their baby. He chose Sally, who was devastated by her daughter’s death and blamed Adam for making the wrong choice.

Sally eventually forgave Adam and they reconciled … but their relationship is likely going to be on the skids again, since he secretly slept with Chelsea on the 4th of July.