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OLTL Recaps Week of May 9, 2005

Friday, May 13, 2005
Apparently quite loaded from polishing off that bottle he’d been swigging, Todd was visited by a vision of Marty Saybrooke. The apparition pointed out that her name is really Margaret, adding, “Todd rapes Margaret; Margaret rapes Todd. Poetic justice, or should we just leave it at plain old irony?” Todd told his hallucination that back when he raped her, he figured there was no way she’d remember it because she was so drunk. She taunted Todd about Margaret raping him and told him how being raped damages a person forever. Todd told her that he thought she’d moved on, become a counselor and let the incident go. “I did move on and let it go,” she answered. “It won’t let me go.” Todd told the phantom that he was protecting Blair by not telling her. She said he was foolish to not let the many people who care about him help him deal with the Margaret rape. She vanished, and Todd threw the empty bottle at Victor Lord’s tomb. Presumably some time after he was staggering around the tomb and talking with a hallucination, a levelheaded Todd came home to Blair vowing to work things out….

In church, Marcie mourned Jen’s passing and blamed herself for being too wrapped up in her own life to have seen her friend was in trouble. Mark came to the church and told Marcie that he’s sleeping with a man who is married to a woman. After a minute or two of explanation, Marcie had come to a conclusion. “Don’t you get it?” she demanded. “He doesn’t love her and he doesn’t love you either.” Marcie deduced that the man Mark was talking about is Daniel. Mark seemed convinced that things would somehow work out for he and Daniel. She urged him to make things right, and he begged her to keep his secret to herself. After Marcie left for Jen’s memorial, Riley dropped by the church for a quick prayer, and Mark told him that he is there for him….

Nora visited Lindsay to say how sorry she is about Jen. Lindsay didn’t accept it, though, and threw back in Nora’s face how she had told her how bad a mother she was to Jen. “I was so out of line to say that,” Nora apologized. “I don’t want you to blame yourself for Jen’s suicide.” Lindsay replied, “The only person I blame for Jen’s death is your husband…. He’s capable of anything if it’s for the greater glory of Daniel Colson.” RJ and Lindsay went to Jen’s memorial, and Nora was left behind, haunted by Lindsay’s accusations about Daniel….

Daniel went to the morgue to get Jen’s autopsy results. The doctor told him that it was clear that she was suffocated and that the struggle shows that she was murdered. Daniel told the doctor that he suspected murder all along, but that the D.A.’s office is playing it like it’s a suicide to lure the killer out. Daniel then asked the doc to fake a new report that they could “leak to the press, throw them off the trail.” Bo interrupted them, and the doctor lied by saying the autopsy report was not done. After Bo left, Daniel talked the doctor into taking a vacation after the forged report was completed. Daniel brought the faked report to Bo and told him that if he’d arrested Jen when he first said that she was guilty, that Jen might still be alive. After Daniel left, Bo found out that Jen’s car window had no fingerprints and was wiped clean. “If I didn’t believe it before I believe it now, John,” Bo said. “Jen was murdered.”Thursday, May 12, 2005
Daniel denied to Nora that he is having an affair with Bailey, the hot blonde Nora caught him hugging. Mark came to their door while they argued about it, introduced himself as part of the Love Crew, and said he needed to talk to Nora. Daniel was obviously freaking out, thinking the jig could be up. Nora politely asked Mark to cut to the chase, but then left to take a phone call before he could answer. Once alone, Daniel cut into Mark immediately for coming by. “Do you have any idea how hard I worked to get where I am?” he asked through clenched teeth. “You don’t know what I’ve had to do to keep our relationship secret.” Mark said Nora has a right to know the truth and sat back down, seemingly determined to tell her. But when Nora came back, all Mark told her was that Jen told him that she thought of Nora as a second mother. After Mark left, Nora apologized to Daniel for accusing him of having an affair. Nora said she doesn’t want to jeopordize what she has with the man she loves by being suspicious….

Lindsay was a total mess, sobbing uncontrollably in front of Rex, blaming herself for Jen’s death. Rex grabbed Lindsay and told her firmly that she should not blame herself because Jen didn’t kill herself, but was actually murdered. Lindsay said the letter to Riley was a suicide note, but Rex pointed out that nowhere did it specifically say she was going to kill herself. He also pointed out how she didn’t write a note to Lindsay or anyone else. “Maybe that was a good-bye note to Riley, but not to her whole life,” he said, vowing (yet again) to catch whoever killed the girl he loved….

Kevin admitted to Kelly that Margaret raped Todd, and Blair overheard remotely via the monitoring device Todd planted in Kevin’s office. Todd came home just after Blair heard the revelation. When his wife confronted him, Todd refused to admit he was raped and asked if it was Kevin who told her. She didn’t say that it was, but a furious Todd still stormed out while making huffing noises….

Todd busted into Kevin’s office and threw him onto his desk. (I’m sorry, but there is just NO WAY Trevor St. John could topple Dan Gauthier that easily, if at all.) Mid-choke, Kevin insisted to Todd that he didn’t tell Blair about the rape. Remembering how he walked in on Blair while she was listening to the computer headphones, Todd realized she must’ve heard the conversation via his monitoring device. Todd convinced Kevin that Kelly and Blair set him up by planting the bug and Kevin believed it. “Kevin, I thought we were starting to trust each other,” Kelly said. “So did I,” he answered disappointedly before walking out….

Ginger agreed to stay at Blair’s home to watch the sleeping kids so Blair could go out and look for Todd. Meanwhile, we cut to Todd on the floor leaning up against Victor Lord’s tomb, slugging from a bottle with a blank, psychotic stare (think Jack Nicholson at the typewriter in The Shining)….

Ron called Natalie, who was at home watching television in a heinous bedroom with gawdy matching gold-flowered bedspread and wallpaper. He asked her out, but she said she wasn’t in the mood….

At Ultra Violet, Tess was unable to avoid being seen by Antonio. Pretending she was Jessica, Tess told Antonio she was waiting for Natalie to meet her. When he walked away, she called Nat and begged her to come out for just one drink….

Evangeline stopped by the diner and pleaded with John to not let the Killing Club murders case obsess him. John agreed to let her accompany him as he went to investigate a lead — at Ultra Violet, of course, where Natalie joined Antonio and Jess/Tess. Nat and John met briefly at the bar, but John blew her off quickly. Just after, Ron walked in and asked why she changed her mind about coming out. Nat told Ron that Jessica called her up and “pracitcally begged” her to come out for a drink. A nearby Antonio heard the exchange and confronted Jess/Tess, but she weaseled out of it with another lie about how the confusion boils down to Natalie playing games with John….

Meanwhile, Natalie told Ron she was glad he showed up and the two danced — slow and close. John spied it and got jealous.Wednesday, May 11, 2005
At home with Daniel, Nora was still holding it together pretty well after Jen’s death, though she kinda wigged out a bit when she received another hang-up phone call (this time we actually saw that it was Mark on the other end). The governor called Daniel to congratulate him on finally closing the Paul murder case. Nora walked out saying she needed to go somewhere to mourn Jen without having to see her husband pat himself on the back about solving the Cramer case. She went to the scene of Jen’s death, where she found Bo still working. Paige spied them in a hug. The doctor approached them and said to Nora that at least she has Daniel to help her get through the hard time. Nora rolled her eyes just before Daniel arrived to announce to everyone that Jen obviously killed herself because she couldn’t live with the guilt that she killed Paul. “Yeah, that makes it all neat and tidy for you,” Bo quipped, “but how can you be so sure?”… Mark approached Daniel and asked why he didn’t mention Jen’s death to him. “She was a good friend of mine,” he told his lover. But afraid to be caught, Daniel pretended like he didn’t know Mark and asked him to please not interfere with the ongoing murder investigation….

Michael met Marcie at Ultra Violet and took her outside to console her over Jen’s death. The two headed to the crime scene where Marcie sobbed in Michael’s arms. Marcie, Michael and Mark created a little memorial and held a vigil in memory of Jen….

A livid, red-faced Rex barged in on Kelly demanding that she let him look through Paul’s belongings. Kelly shoved him and told him to back off, which seemed to chill him out a bit. (From the looks of that shove, I bet Heather would hold her own against John-Paul). Bo called and asked Kelly to cut Rex a break because Jen had just died. Kelly apologized to Rex for his loss and told him he could go through what she has left of Paul’s things, but that the police already went through most of it. Committed to proving Jen was murdered, and didn’t commit suicide, Rex vowed to catch whoever was behind her death….

Back at the crime scene, Natalie broke down in front of John, lamenting the way she treated Jen in life and wondering if she helped push her toward suicide. John told her she can’t blame herself for something she had no control over. “Take it from somebody who knows,” he said….

Todd made his way into the Buchanan Enterprises offices by pretending he was a delivery guy with a green uniform and a weird, affected voice. He dropped a box on Kevin’s desk. Back home, we learned that he planted a monitoring device when Blair caught him spying on Kevin and Duke’s conversation via headphones and a computer connection….

Back at B.E., Kevin filled with pride when Duke quickly and confidently answered a phone call about business. “You’re a true Buchanan, through and through,” he nodded….

Todd bumped into Jessica (as Tess), who walked past him in his hallway after visiting Ginger. He followed her to Ultra Violet where he asked her what was with her. “You look like my niece, but you’re not acting like her,” he snapped. She called him “Uncle Todd,” which confused him even further. Tess turned the tables by bringing up problems in his personal life: “You would rather be here arguing with me than at home with Blair.”… Duke headed to Ultra Violet and ran into Ginger. Adriana called while they were talking and canceled her plans to meet him there. Ginger smirked, like a person who just saw a major opportunity present itself, and ordered beers from the bartender. Duke said that he’s in love with Adriana, but also that they’re taking it slow. Ginger encouraged him to take it slow. She tried to get him to stick around for another round, but Duke said he had to go. Before he left, however, he shot a quick glance back at Ginger. And I think we have another OLTL triangle in the making!….

Rex found a document in Paul’s things that showed that Paul was dealing with a guy named “Ted D.,” providing a last name initial to their Ted lead. As he was informing Bo of this clue, the commissioner received a call telling him that the bandana in Jen’s car had Paul’s blood on it. Rex still wasn’t convinced. “I’m gonna tear the son of a bitch apart who did this to my girl,” Rex said, fighting back tears….

Nora came home to find Daniel in the arms of Bailey, a hot, blonde governor’s aid in a tight, gray pants suit. Daniel tried to apologize for being too callused about Jen, but Nora changed the subject and asked him if he is having an affair….

Kelly went to see Kevin at Buchanan Enterprises. She tried pumping him for information on Todd and why he’s being strange with Blair. Back at the Mannings, Blair put on Todd’s headphones and listened in on their conversation. Kelly asked Kevin why Marty Saybrooke keeps coming up, then put it all together. “Oh, my God,” she gasped. “Did Margaret rape Todd?” Blair’s jaw hit the floor when she heard the question.Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Today’s dark, creepy episode started at the hotel where Daniel met Mark. Mark wondered if Nora found out about them being lovers and commented that it’s probably for the best if she has. Daniel snapped that she must never find out. Mark urged “Ted” to stop lying about who he is so they can be a normal couple. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just come clean and tell them the truth?” Mark asked. “No one can ever find out about us, Mark,” Daniel answered. “Too much has happened. We can never go back now. Ever.” Daniel flipped out and grabbed his lover by the shoulders, ranting about how hard he’s worked for what he’s achieved. Mark started packing his bags to leave, but Daniel asked him not to go. “If I could change any of this, don’t you think I would?” Daniel asked. “I was this close to being everything I always wanted to be, I always thought I could be, and I won’t let anyone or anything get in my way,” Daniel added, before walking out of the hotel room….

Rex tried to resuscitate Jen, but to no avail. He collapsed on her body crying, “Why did you do this?” Rex called Bo to tell him the bad news. He explained that he found her dead in the car with the engine running….

While Lindsay was arguing with Nora and Riley at the Palace about how Daniel has been unfairly trying to pin Paul’s murder on Jen, Bo broke the news to her that Jen “took her own life tonight.” Lindsay broke down and told Riley Jen’s death was his and his father’s fault. “You killed her,” she screamed at Riley. “She killed herself because of you!” Nora — keeping her composure really well, considering how close she is with Jen — called RJ so he could come console Lindsay. Then she and Bo left for the hospital/morgue….

The police taped off the crime scene in the garage. Natalie came by and got the cops to give Rex some time before questioning him. Daniel showed up and told Rex that Jen’s suicide reinforces her guilt. Rex asked Daniel why he isn’t with Riley, consoling him, instead of at the crime scene micro-managing the cops. When Daniel left, Rex seemed determined to prove that Jen wouldn’t have killed herself, and he told Natalie, “I won’t let it end like this for Jen.”….

Meanwhile, David brought a get-well package to Viki at Llanfair, following her collapse, and offered to pop in a Marx Brothers DVD for them to watch, but she urged him to just call Dorian and go home so that she and Kelly can have some peace and quiet again. When he went to the kitchen to microwave popcorn, Viki called Dorian and told her how Paige had just diagnosed her with a post-heart transplant infection, and then tricked her into coming right over to give her a second opinion. When Dorian arrived, Viki crept upstairs, and David walked in, popcorn in hand, startled to see Dorian. The estranged couple argued a bit, but then David admitted that all he ever wanted from Dorian is her heart. “Can I have it?” he asked. “Oh, David, you’ve always had that,” she weeped, and they shared a kiss. But after, David still wasn’t satisfied with Dorian’s refusal to promise to leave her nieces to their own lives and give her rivalry with Viki a rest. Dorian left and David wound up watching the DVD alone with Viki….

The show wrapped with a sad music montage that included scenes at the morgue with Lindsay identifying and crying over her daughter’s dead body; Nora comforting a hurt and confused Riley; Daniel — finally — getting around to consoling his son; and Mark packing his bag at the hotel while a radio report informed him of Jen’s death that night. Monday, May 9, 2005
Daniel stood over a dead Jen, seemingly horrified by what he’d just done. “You didn’t deserve this,” he told her corpse. He then cleaned up the crime scene, staged in to look like Jen committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning and talked to himself for a while. Next, he nervously called his lover and asked if they could meet at “the hotel room.” Later, Daniel knocked on the door of the mysterious Room 13 we’ve been seeing the past few weeks. Mark answered the door. “I had to see you,” Daniel gasped. They embraced.

Lindsay walked into a restaurant and told the host that she was waiting for her daughter. Riley ran into Lindsay at the restaurant and said that he was also looking for Jen. Lindsay told Riley he was wrong to have doubted Jen’s innocence in the Paul Cramer murder case and that he should leave her alone. Lindsay continued trying to call Jen, who obviously never answered.

Rex showed up at the garage and found Jen’s dead body inside her car with a hose attached to the exhaust hanging from the window.

Dorian badly burned cookies she was trying to bake at LaBoulie. Adriana assisted her mother with shutting off the smoke alarm and told Dorian that she doesn’t need to bake cookies and be matronly for her to love her. Adriana gave Dorian a photo album with pictures of herself as a baby as a Mother’s Day gift. Adriana told Dorian she’d be happier if she had David come home. Dorian still wouldn’t admit that she didn’t give David the boot but that he walked out on her.

David saw Kelly at a bar and told her how he and Dorian made up “for about a millisecond, and then everything fell apart again.” Kelly said she called her mother, but that they weren’t able to have much of a conversation. He encouraged her to visit Dorian for Mother’s Day.

Kelly went to LaBoulie and Dorian chastised her for sleeping with Kevin again. Kelly informed her aunt that she isn’t actually sleeping with Kevin, and that David told Dorian that to test her ability to stop meddling (a test she failed). But it being Mother’s Day, Kelly forgave Dorian for being “a bit of a control freak” and told her she’s lucky to essentially have had two mothers.

Jessica freaked out while looking in the mirror, recounting her lost time and realizing she might have “it” — presumably DID. She seemed poised to tell Viki when Kevin walked in with flowers for his mother. Viki turned pale and passed out. Natalie stopped in to see her mother, who was being examined by Paige. Page diagnosed Viki with an infection related to her heart transplant. Viki apologized to her children for not calling the doctor as soon as she wasn’t feeling well and promised to be more careful in the future. Joey called his mother to wish her a happy Mother’s Day.

When Natalie and Kevin left to make tea for everyone, Viki pressed Jessica to tell her what is bothering her, but Jess decided not to tell her mother about her DID fears. Later, Jessica, Kevin and Natalie all gave their mother presents. Viki got weepy and delivered a short and rather sweet “you give my life meaning” speech. Kelly stopped by, and she and Kevin left to visit the cemetery where their baby is buried.

Later, Jessica talked to herself in the mirror — again — and Tess came out.

Starr and Blair spent Mother’s Day at home. Starr gave her mother a shark tooth necklace she said was for protection. Blair sang to her daughter.

Elsewhere, an anonymous pair of hands opened a Mother’s Day card for a Mother-To-Be signed by a doctor. At the top, it was addressed to Margaret. “It won’t be long now!” the card read.

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