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Bold And Beautiful Rewind: Wrongfully Accused Characters

Steffy isn’t buying for one second that Sheila is innocent of the recent murders of Tom and Hollis, and was gobsmacked when her husband, Finn, professed his belief that his mother was wrongfully accused. Here are other instances of B&B characters being held responsible for crimes they didn’t commit.

steve hartman, the bold and the beautiful

John Paschal/Celebrity Photo

Who, Me? Rick (Steven Hartman) had no memory of firing a weapon upon stepdad Grant.

Ridge Forrester

One evening in 1997, Grant Chambers (Brooke’s then-husband) was plugged by multiple bullets in his office and miraculously survived. The hunt was on for the shooter and Grant seemed convinced that a jealous Ridge had pulled the trigger, so he nudged the investigation into that direction. As the law was closing in on the gunman’s identity, a nervous Grant finally admitted to Ridge that he had been covering for the true guilty party: Brooke’s preteen son, Rick, who shot his stepfather while in a fugue state and had no memory of his horrific act. Not wanting his half-brother to get into trouble, Ridge confessed to the attempted murder and was facing years behind bars. Lucky for him, Grant begged the court for leniency and Ridge received parole.

patrick duffy, susan flannery, the bold and the beautiful

Aaron Montgomery/

An Innocent Man: Stephanie (Susan Flannery) ultimately learned that Stephen (Patrick Duffy) was not responsible for her shooting.

Stephen Logan

In 2007, Nick was clashing fiercely with Stephanie, and when La Forrester was indirectly responsible for Brooke getting raped, he was heard threatening to kill Stephanie. When Steph was alone in the Forrester showroom, she was shot — and naturally, Nick was accused of the attempt on her life. However, a photo surfaced that captured a hand holding a gun in the showroom, and on that hand was a unique ring. When Brooke’s father Stephen was found to have such a ring, he was arrested and soon was ready to plead guilty. However, Brooke discovered that her brother, Storm, wore the same ring, and it soon came out that Stephen was willing to go to prison to protect his son, the real assailant. Stephanie asked the court for leniency, which Storm was granted after she extracted a promise from Donna to stop seeing Eric.

dax griffin, ronn moss, the bold and the beautiful

Aaron Montgomery/

A Deadly Affair: Ridge’s (then-Ronn Moss) impulsive decision to dispose of Shane’s (Dax Griffin) corpse caused big trouble for Nick.

Nick Marone

In 2007, Shane McGrath was hired as a gardener for the Forrester estate where he met Phoebe Forrester. They started dating, but she soon lost interest, which really upset Shane. He not only became obsessed with Phoebe but also was certain that her father Ridge was responsible for breaking them up. One evening, Shane confronted Ridge in his office and brandished a gun. The two men struggled and Ridge was horrified when Shane intentionally shot himself and died, all to set up Ridge to go down for murder! A panic-stricken Ridge dumped the body off of his half-brother Nick’s boat, The Shady Marlin, into the Santa Monica Bay. Of course, Shane’s body was eventually found, and Nick was arrested for the crime. Ridge did the right thing and exonerated his brother by revealing what had really gone down the fateful night Shane died. The charges against Nick were dropped.



The End Of The Road: Ivy accused Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, l.) of deliberately killing Aly (Ashlyn Pearce).

Steffy Forrester

In 2013, Thorne’s college student daughter, Alexandria, returned home and eventually appointed herself the morality guard dog for her family and Forrester Creations. By 2015, she had become hostile toward Wyatt, blaming him for downgrading the wholesome message of Hope’s clothing line, and objected to Ridge’s line of bikinis and lingerie worn by transgender models. Meanwhile, she had begun seeing visions of her late mother, Darla, whose messages were increasingly menacing, fueling Aly’s hatred of Steffy. Aly created a macabre vision board of sorts featuring photos of Steffy, which she defaced and cut up. Aly then lured her cousin to a stretch of highway — the very highway where Darla had died years prior, for which Aly blamed Steffy’s mother, Taylor. Ivy discovered the disturbing Steffy collage in Aly’s room and alerted Liam and Wyatt, but they were too late: With Darla’s voice ringing in her ears, Aly attacked Steffy with a rock, poised to bash her head in. The women struggled and Aly fell backward and struck her head, dying instantly. As it turned out, Ivy had arrived in time to witness the awful incident, and from her vantage point, it appeared that Steffy had intentionally killed Aly. Making matters worse for Steffy, Ivy had a recording that made it look like Steffy had lied to the police about what happened — and she blackmailed Steffy with it, using her leverage to force Steffy to name her the new Face of Forrester. In time, Steffy and Ivy made peace and Ivy deleted the video.

kimberlin brown, heather tom, the bold and the beautiful

Howard Wise/

Not It! Katie (Heather Tom, l.) and Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) were both innocent of shooting Quinn.

Katie Logan and Sheila Carter

In 2017, Quinn felt pressured to add Katie to her jewelry design team at Forrester because Katie knew Quinn had shared secret kisses with Ridge, which Quinn was desperate to keep from her husband, Eric. However, Katie’s designs weren’t impressive and Quinn let her go. Katie became so upset that she pointed a gun at Quinn and threatened her. When Quinn was later shot while standing on the Forrester mansion terrace, suspicion fell on Katie, especially when forensics revealed that the bullet came from Katie’s house. Then it was discovered that Sheila had returned to L.A. and was lurking at Katie’s residence so probable blame shifted to her. It was eventually revealed that Quinn’s former husband, Deacon, was the shooter because he was mad at his ex for not helping him out financially. Deacon went to prison for four years for his crime.

scott clifton, the bold and the beautiful

Howard Wise/

Prison Blues: Liam (Scott Clifton) was briefly imprisoned for the self-inflicted death of Vinny.

Liam Spencer

In 2021, Thomas’s best friend, Vinny Walker, tampered with Steffy’s paternity test so it would look like Liam, not Finn, was the father of her baby. Why? So Liam would leave Hope to be with his baby mama, freeing Hope up for Thomas, who was desperately in love with her. When Vinny was exposed, Thomas condemned his BFF, leaving Vinny quite despondent. Later, Vinny was walking along a dark road when he was struck by a car driven by Liam, with Bill along as a passenger. Liam was so upset by the incident that he fainted right there at the scene. Since his son had a sordid connection with Vinny, Bill feared that Liam would be blamed for intentionally running over Vinny and go to jail for vehicular manslaughter. Bill got rid of Vinny’s wallet and cell phone, then ordered Liam to not tell anyone what happened. However, a guilt-ridden Liam eventually turned himself in and was arrested. At the 11th hour, texts to Thomas surfaced that proved Vinny had planned to jump in front of Liam’s car in an effort to frame Liam for murder, his last act to clear the way for Hope and Thomas to be together. Liam was then freed.

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