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Days of our Lives Spoilers Video: Face-Offs and Returning Faces

days of our lives video spoilers collage nicole, theresa, stefan, gabi, diana, chanel, paulina.


Prom Gone Wrong

Tate and Holly thought they could outsmart their parents and spend their prom together despite being forbidden to see each other. “Aha! I just caught Tate and Holly hooking up in a hotel room,” Theresa says accusingly to Holly’s mom, Nicole, while images of the kids being found by Theresa and Brady are seen. The voiceover announces, “They are pointing fingers.” The action shows Theresa doing just that at Nicole as an irritated EJ looks on. “This is all your fault,” accuses Theresa. “Get out of my house before I have you thrown out,” Nicole says, talking over the other woman. The two moms almost come to blows before the action changes location.

Fighting Demons

Leo is determined to face his mother and tell her how she made him feel growing up so he pays a visit to her — in Statesville. Diana is in no mood to accept any responsibility. “It is not my fault you are the way you are,” she spits out at him. “What do you mean by that, Mother,” he asks. She simply shoots him a look of contempt.

Demanding Justice

Side by side images of EJ and Stefan are shown before we see the brothers facing off at the DiMera mansion. “Get the evidence and get Gabi out of prison,” insists Stefan as we see images of him at the prison waiting for his beloved wife. She suddenly appears and the two start kissing.

Braving The Worst Fear of Their Lives

Chanel screams out in pain which brings her to her knees at her mother’s apartment. Johnny and Paulina rush to her side and the next time we see her, Johnny is wheeling Chanel around the hospital with Paulina close behind him. They are met by Dr. Mark Greene. Chanel is wearing a hospital gown and in a bed when she says, “I’m really really scared,” she confesses to her husband. The action cuts to Abe asking Paulina, “Is the baby okay?” Poignant music plays, coupled with the look on Paulina’s face, and it’s hard not to think the worst. See it for yourself in the video below and check out Tamara Braun’s preview of what happens between her character Ava and Steve Burton’s Harris this coming week.

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