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Farah Fath: Mimi's Last Stand

Farah Fath was just 15 years old when she joined DAYS OF OUR LIVES as Belle’s quirky best friend, Mimi. Over her 7 1/2-year tenure with the show, she grew into a woman and leading lady. Here, Fath shares her thoughts about leaving Salem and her hopes for the future.

Soap Opera Weekly: How nervous were you as time inched closer and you taped your last episode of DAYS?
Farah Fath: I had this little butterfly feeling in my heart and in my stomach. I don’t know if it was because I was excited or because it was a nerve-racking thing. I was nervous, but it felt right. I made the decision to leave DAYS back in the fall. At the time, it just seemed like, “It’s six months away.” Then, it was one day away and that was kind of weird. I’ve got good feelings about [leaving]. I know I’m going to miss my family there.

Weekly: What are you going to miss most about the show?
Fath: I’m going to miss the people in the makeup room. That’s who I saw first thing in the morning for 7 1/2 years. When I had my ups and downs, they were always there for me. As far as the cast goes, I’m going to miss Judi Evans (Bonnie), Darin Brooks (Max), Martha Madison (Belle). I’m really going to miss everyone and everything! Especially the inside jokes I have with everyone. And goofing around.

Weekly: Word was DAYS was going to recast Mimi, but now the character is being written off. What are your thoughts on that?
Fath: I have no idea what they’re gong to do. I don’t know if Mimi is going to be off for a little bit and then they’re going to bring her back or if she’s done forever. I think it’s more fair to the audience if the character [is off for a while]. That way the audience will get a chance to, not forget me, but…it’s just much easier to deal with a recast if some time has passed.

Weekly: What are your plans for the future?
Fath: In this business, I don’t think you can really have a specific plan. It’s just about the timing and your luck, being the right look for a certain part. People keep asking me, “What are you going to do?” Well, what do you think I’m going to do? I’m going to audition. That’s what every actor has to do when they’re out of work.

Weekly: So you’re not planning to take a trip back home to Kentucky?
Fath: Right now it’s the core of pilot season. I can’t leave. If I don’t book anything I’ll probably go home for a little bit. I’m not opposed to coming back to daytime, either.

Weekly: Few actors admit that as their leaving! They usually want to discuss their aspirations of breaking into nighttime and film.
Fath: My leaving is not about trying to make it bigger or better, trying to be famous and all that. My leaving is just about doing something different. This is all I’ve ever done. I’ve only played one part my whole life. I’ve never played a different character. This isn’t about me trying to be a prime-time star or a movie star or anything like that. I’m going go through pilot season to see if anything happens, whether it’s on a soap opera or a sitcom or whatever. I would be very lucky if I did get something my very first pilot season. I have no expectations. I’m just going to do my best. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I don’t think God is going to let me down. He has a good plan for me.

Weekly: Rumor has it that after several weeks as a brunette you’re actually leaving the show as a blonde. Is that true?
Fath: Yes. Right before New Year’s Eve I was looking at pictures of myself as a blonde. I looked at my sister, Tori, and said, “I’m better as a blonde, aren’t I?” We talked about it. I didn’t know if I was going to dye it back or not, because I really liked the dark hair and I kind of miss it. But I realized blonde hair suits me better. It just kind of pops. So I’m a blonde again.

Weekly: Is there anything you’d like to say to the fans?
Fath: I’ve had a tremendous amount of support from the fans over the years. They have been just amazing to me. I want to thank them for supporting me and supporting Mimi, too. A big thank you to all of them.

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