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It’s Only My Opinion: Soap Friendships Take A Nosedive

cynthia watros and maura west from general hospital

Disney/Christine Bartolucci

Nina (Cynthia Watros, l.) and Ava (Maura West).

Long friendships are a valued soap staple, but some of them have taken a real beating lately.

I’m looking at you, GH. Splitting up entertaining pals Nina and Ava was a punch in the gut. Ava’s out-of-the-blue backstabbing seemed very shortsighted when Nina was often the only person in her corner. 

Nina: “I am so embarrassed that I ever believed one word that came out of your mouth. How long have you been playing me for a fool?”  

Ava: “You don’t understand Sonny. Sonny is a powerful, turbulent, violent man and you want to sit by the fire and grow old with him.” 

What’s wrong with that? Nina and Sonny had a sweet love story which Ava witnessed, so making fun of Nina’s love for “Mike from Nixon Falls” was especially nasty. 

Ava: “Mike was never real.” 

I get that they’re trying to isolate Sonny with the story of his tampered-with medication, but losing a strong female friendship that humanized two of the show’s bitchiest women doesn’t seem worth it. 

Kristina: “I thought Ava was your best friend.”

Nina: “She was really good at impersonating a best friend. She wants what I have… had.”

Kristina: “My dad.”

Giving Nina a better relationship with Kristina or Maxie or Willow would soften the blow but if you thought Carly and Nina could be a thing, think again. 

Carly (after Ava urged Nina to sell The Metro Court to Jason): “Ava sandbagged you.” 

Nina: “So much for you earning the Metro Court back on your own.”

Ava’s gone full schemer now that we know she’s aware of Sonny’s bad meds.

Kristina: “Ava played such a role in Morgan’s death. How does Sonny go from loathing her to totally trusting her?”

Great question. On the flip side, how does Sonny go from totally trusting Jason to loathing him?

Sonny (to Jason): “I can’t trust you and Carly anymore.” 

The lighter dosage has made Sonny paranoid, and so far only Jason has questioned if he’s taking his pills. That’s friendship, but Sonny doesn’t see it. When Jason pleaded with Sonny not to kill Dex (!), he argued that it could harm Kristina’s pregnancy. 

Sonny: “Who are you to judge me? I love Kristina and all my kids. What about you? You abandoned your sons for more than two years. Before you lecture me about Kristina, try being a father to Jake and Danny.”

Ouch! Sonny may be diminished but he’s spot-on about Jason’s parenting. That relationship may never recover. 

Scotty and Lucy’s bond looked similarly threatened when Maxie called in Lucy’s oldest pal to set her straight about her selfish “me, me, me” TV appearance. 

Maxie: “Stop this madness and tell her.”

Scotty: “Your appearance on Home and Heart was a disaster.”

Lucy: “I crushed it!”

Maxie: “You talked about yourself for a solid hour. You barely mentioned our product.” 

Lucy: “I am Deception. Sales are skyrocketing because of me.” 

Maxie (to Scotty): “Tell her!” 

Scotty convinced Lucy that her yammering was harming the brand and Deception needed to consider a new spokesperson. Lucy listened because they are – all together now – longtime friends.  

Y&R’s Victor and Michael go waaaaaaay back so why didn’t Victor let Michael in on his plan to keep Jordan locked in a cage? It doesn’t jibe with their mutually beneficial attorney/client vibe. Michael also has experience holding people hostage (remember when he drilled a hole through a wall to kidnap Christine?) so he’d be a valuable talk-to right now. 

But no. Michael peppered The Mustache with questions and got the run-around. 

Victor: “I told you. That Jordan woman slipped and fell into the river.” 

Michael: “No body was discovered.”

Victor: “What are you getting at?”

Michael: “Knowing you and working with you all these years, I’ve developed a good sense of who you are and how you operate. My senses are screaming that there’s a lot you haven’t told me.” 

Victor: “On my honor, and on our friendship, I am in no way responsible for that Jordan woman’s death.” 

True – because he’s holding her hostage in the basement. 

Victor had no such compunction to be honest with his newfound granddaughter. 

Claire: “Where’s Jordan?” 

Victor: “The bitch is dead.”

Elsewhere, Jack and Lauren tried hard to stand by Nikki but she just wanted to be buddies with the bottle.

Lauren: “I’m really worried about you. Go home and get some sleep.”

Nikki: “Where else would I go?”

To the GCAC to get plastered. Her poor treatment of Jack – who’s had his hands full with his grandson’s kidnapping and Ashley’s personality parade – has been especially hard to watch. He forced his way into her hotel room only to be berated for his loyalty while she careened around smashing bottles. 

Nikki: “You’re fired.”

Jack: “You can fire me when you’re sober.” 

Nikki: “You’re not the boss of me.”

Jack: “You’re a mess.” 

Nikki: “If that’s your idea of a pep talk, it stinks.” 

Jack reminded Nikki of Katherine’s tough love over the years which Jack should have been giving her, as well. Jack’s martyr complex led him to believe he could keep Nikki sober on his own, which he finally realized was wrong in that showdown. 

Jack: “We need to talk about rehab.”

Nikki: “What are you, a doctor now? Or do you just play one on TV?” 

As much as I enjoyed that callback to Peter Bergman’s 1980s ad for cough syrup, the scenes were tough to watch.

Jack: “None of this is okay.” 

With friends like Nikki, who needs enemies?   

B&B’s Ridge depends on his BF Carter to keep things honest around Forrester Creations, but Carter dropped the ball when talk turned to Ridge’s son and his nephew. 

Ridge: “We’ve got to make sure RJ and Zende keep working together. It’s good for the line.”

Carter: “If you say so…”  

Carter knows RJ and Zende are battling over Luna, which will definitely not be good for the line, but he’s not the only one keeping mum. Ridge’s wife/ex-wife/friend/lover Brooke is also keeping the secret that a drugged Luna slept with Zende thinking he was RJ.

Brooke (to Luna): “Woman to woman, this is a safe place. I was taken advantage of years ago.” 

Is anyone going to call Zende’s mother Kristen Forrester? Roping Ridge’s sister in would add drama and make it more believable. Family is out of sight, out of mind on this show (sorry, Taylor) and alliances are in short supply. Remember Bill’s best pal Justin Barber? Neither does he. 

Transactional is the best description for the pals on DAYS since front-burner characters act more for personal gain than out of genuine affection. Kristen, Theresa, EJ…there aren’t many redeeming qualities there. Sloan especially has cut a nasty swath through Salem, stealing Nicole’s baby while using her fake friendship with Melinda and blackmail payments to Leo to keep it quiet. When Eric finally got a clue from the recurring charges on Sloan’s credit card, she turned the tables on her husband. 

Eric: “I’m trying to figure out why you’re bankrupting our family to pay for Leo’s room.” 

Sloan: “You opened my mail? That’s a federal offense!”

Can you say chutzpah? The drivel that Sloan and Leo laid on Eric about how Sloan felt guilty she couldn’t get Dimitri out of prison was embarrassing. 

Leo: “Your wife is a saint! I was spending my days eating cookie dough and watching reruns of The Office which is a very straight-person thing to do. That’s how depressed I was. Then generous, kindhearted Sloan reached out her hand and for that, I will be forever grateful.” 

Eric: “He has a job now. Why are you still giving him money?”

Leo: “I’m a shopaholic. I promise I will pay you back.”  

Sloan: “I admire you taking responsibility.”

Leo: “Hug?” 

Eric: “I’m not sure I should believe you.” 

Ya think? I really dislike what that marriage has done to Eric. 

Elsewhere, Steve hasn’t figured out that his best pal John has been activated as The Pawn despite John losing chunks of time, and Julie needs to step up for Maggie.

Maggie: “Konstantin and I are getting married. He can’t stay in the country unless he becomes a citizen. You probably think I’m crazy.” 

Julie: “No, I think it’s an example of your enormous generosity. You want to help the man. I just hope you’re going to protect yourself.” 

Maggie: “I have a prenup.” 

Julie: “You have been very wise. I support you completely.” 

A true ally would tell Maggie that she is still grieving Victor, marriage is too drastic a step to help a stranger, and it’s not Maggie’s job to keep that creepy liar in the country. 

Thank the Salem gods for Marlena who said what a pal should say in a situation like that. 

Marlena: “My God. What is Maggie thinking?” 

Good – now prove you’re a true friend and say it to her. 

Hey. It’s only my opinion. 


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