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Remembering The Italian Nuptials Of DAYS OF OUR LIVES's John And Marlena



Hopelessly Devoted: Marlena (Deidre Hall) and John (Drake Hogestyn) wed (again) on December 7, 2006.


Nothing symbolizes true love more than a soap opera wedding – or six. Yes, DAYS OF OUR LIVES supercouple John and Marlena have had a half dozen of them, including their very first back when they both thought John was Roman Brady. December 7 marks the 17th anniversary of the pair’s fourth marriage, which took place in Italy in 2006.

John and Marlena initially traveled to Italy to investigate the DiMera family, having learned that Stefano might still be alive. (At the time, John believed he was a member of the notorious family.) While in Europe, John brought Marlena to the Fountain of the Seven Sisters, a magical place the locals believed brought good luck, especially in love. John gave Marlena a coin, then encouraged her to toss it in and make a wish. “My wish is that we always have this trust, this honesty, this knowledge that no matter what comes our way, we always believe in each other,” professed Marlena.

Moments later, violinists began serenading the pair. Then flowers and champagne arrived. The perfect romantic setting had been orchestrated by John, who asked Marlena to marry him right then and there. After she said yes, the priest John had standing by emerged and prepared to wed the couple. Before he began, however, John had something to say to his bride.

“Marlena, we’ve done this before,” he noted. “We have stood in front of God and pledged our commitment to each other. I just want you to know that the vows I’m about to take, I don’t take for granted, because I have come close to losing you too many times before. But the one thing that has always brought us back together is our love. And because that bond is unbreakable and everlasting, ‘til death do us part’ are not just words to repeat. For us, it’s the truth. Just as the sun rises and sets, our hearts will be one forever. I love you, baby.”

After the twosome exchanged traditional vows, the priest pronounced John and Marlena husband and wife. “Well, Mrs. Black, were you surprised?” John asked his bride. “Never more in my life,” responded Marlena. “Life is short. That’s why we need to make the most of every minute together, starting right now,” beamed John.

While the couple were still basking in their newlywed glow, a mysterious man name Rico revealed himself, noting that he was sent by the DiMeras. He explained that Tony was still in prison and swore that Stefano was dead, his body lying in the DiMera crypt. When John expressed his doubts about the latter, Rico held firm and advised John and Marlena to leave Italy that night for their own safety. Instead, the duo went to the crypt, which they found empty, and they both realized that “The Phoenix” had risen from the ashes yet again.


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