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The Best And Worst On B&B, DAYS, GH And Y&R The Week Of August 12-16

soaps best and worst with bill and luna kiss from b&b and james listening on gh.


Luna (Lisa Yamada) shocks Bill (Don Diamont) with a kiss on B&B; James (Gary James Fuller) listens to a juicy GH convo.

The Best

Bold and Beautiful: Two Kisses = Double Trouble

Which was soapier? Hope planting a big one on her stepsister’s husband at that Danny Romalotti concert or Luna kissing her DAD

Okay, Luna had just found out Bill wasn’t her father. But she had been referring to him as her dad for months and he sleeps with her mother, so the ick factor was high. The moment came out of left field after Bill and Luna conducted their own paternity test and realized the first one had been tampered with. Luna launched into a heartfelt speech about her rough childhood and how grateful she was for the stability the “incredible” Bill had provided to her, and then… SMOOCH!   

Across town, Hope got carried away while drinking and dancing at the Forrester mansion rock fest and pulled Finn into a kiss when Steffy wasn’t looking. He pushed her away and put her on blast: “Steffy needs to know what you did and she is not going to like it.” Two girls messing around with men who are romantically involved with close family members? As Danny Romalotti would say, rock on. 

General Hospital: Mother/Daughter ‘Tea’ Party

Speaking of messy, Willow confiding to her mother that she’s crushing on Drew after they shared a kiss gave Nina the perfect opportunity to confess that she’s actually sleeping with Drew. Nina didn’t take it. Instead, she nodded along as Willow gushed that she likes everything about Drew — especially the fact that he would never lie to her. Ahem, covered Nina who had just crawled out of bed with the new Q. Fun wrinkles include Willow being married to Drew’s nephew Michael, Drew currently running for congress (a scenario tailor-made for a scandal like this) and Nina’s nephew James overhearing the entire conversation while hiding in the boathouse. 

Our money’s on James to spill the tea about Drew’s mother-daughter dance, but Willow’s angsty confession to her duplicitous mom shows this is going to get a lot messier before someone comes clean.

Young and Restless: The Walls Close In On Adam and Chelsea

Adam’s girlfriend Sally and Chelsea’s boyfriend Billy have been picking up signals that something happened between their exes when they were in Baltimore visiting their ailing son Connor. Adam and Chelsea pooh-poohed their partners’ feelings and accusations, vowing privately to never spill about their sex romp. So it was awkward indeed when Sally and Billy decided to surprise Connor’s parents in the park and approached just as Chelsea was referencing the “tension and guilt from that one night!” Suddenly all their protestations took on a different tone, and it rang false. A stricken Billy confronted Chelsea while Sally begged Adam to come clean.

It will probably take a while, but the door has been opened to a big lie being exposed — and four people will never be the same. 

Days of our Lives: Fiona upends Brady’s life — and Sarah’s

Xander’s mother has barely been on two months and she’s already a one-woman wrecking ball, aka a classic soap villain.   

She hit town pretending to be sober and was soon hitting dive bars with alcoholic Brady. One particularly rowdy night resulted in Brady being so drunk he passed out in the backseat of his car, so Fiona took the wheel and promptly hit her new daughter-in-law Sarah. Self-preservation kicked in and she moved the over-served, much larger Brady from the backseat to the front while still in her cocktail dress and heels (a superhuman feat since she was supposedly drunk herself). Back home, Xander wondered if Sarah had car trouble, which indeed she did. Sarah wound up in the hospital not able to feel her legs while a furtive Fiona sat in the waiting room — and Brady tried to piece together the events of the night.

“Lots of people have gray cars,” remarked Rachel as the police closed in on the hit-and-run driver. “Even Daddy!” And we thought Brady dating Theresa was bad.


The Worst

Y&R: Summer Needs Schooling

In what universe does a woman get to dictate who her ex-husband works with as part of a custody battle regarding their son? Initially, Summer was jealous of the nanny hired to care for Harrison, making Claire an issue in every argument with Kyle. Then, she got wind that Kyle was going into business with his ex-lover Audra at Glissade and made that her reason for wanting sole custody. Summer even asked her grandfather Victor to intervene, citing his familiarity with conflict. (Victor is Kyle and Audra’s secret boss at Glissade so he’s even closer than she knows.) Kyle rightly explained he couldn’t force Audra out of the company just because Summer didn’t like her, but she refused to back down. Considering that Summer is the CEO of Marchetti with a staff of her own, she should know that demanding Kyle “cut all ties with Audra” is out of line and would likely result in a lawsuit.   

Audra (to Kyle): “Let me get this right: I am a danger to a child I have never met?  Your issues with your ex-wife are not my problem.” 


DAYS’s Abigail: Another ‘Dead’ Person Returns 

There’s a limit to how many times you can kill a character on camera and bring them back from the dead and DAYS has reached it with Abigail Deveraux. Resurrecting Abby with amnesia might have worked if they hadn’t told the exact same story with her father Jack, Patch, Hope, Ciara, Will, and of course John Black. We can’t even name all the people who “died” at the hands of the Salem strangler and/or the devil and then returned. It’s a plot device that renders death meaningless which takes away a big source of juicy drama. 

Of course, based on that one-sided phone call where Abigail said everything was going “according to plan,” it’s possible this woman with the new face isn’t her. While that would hurt Chad, Jack, Jennifer and all the people who loved Abigail, a twist like that would be novel. Save death for when it really means something — like Doug’s upcoming funeral.  

Applause, Applause

Whether or not that is DAYS’ Abigail, Jack and Jennifer are always a value-add… GH’s Blaze going on tour with Miguel Morez was a great callback to Ricky Martin’s 1990s stint in Port Charles…. 


Picky, Picky

“Please let my girl go,” said Natalia to her daughter’s hospitalized girlfriend who had just lost her baby, solidifying herself as GH’s least likable new character…. There’s a lot to be said for not looking your age, but Rebecca Budig’s new Taylor on B&B looks more like Steffy’s au pair than her mother…. Where is Y&R’s Tucker? He’s not the kind of guy to make 900 threats and then disappear with no explanation…. Last time it was featured during Abe’s kidnapping, DAYS’ soap-within-a-soap was Body & Soul. Now there is a sign in the production office reading Body and Soul (also the title on the script Hattie was reading). Which is it?! 


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